Are Electric Toothbrushes Actually Better?

Are Electric Toothbrushes Actually Better?

The most important factor when it comes to brushing your teeth is whether or not you do it properly and for the recommended amount of time. While electric and manual toothbrushes have their pros and cons, which one is right for you is ultimately up to personal preference. As long as you brush your teeth for at least 2 to 3 minutes twice a day at a 45-degree angle, you’ll be good to go. Read this blog from Corona Smile Shoppe to find out what sets electric toothbrushes apart from manual ones.

Pros and Cons of Electric Toothbrushes

Electric toothbrushes, more specifically, rotating-oscillating electric toothbrushes are more effective at removing plaque from the gum line than manual toothbrushes, according to studies. This reduces plaque buildup and the risk of gingivitis. 

This may be because electric toothbrushes take most of the work out of brushing your teeth, so it takes less effort to properly and thoroughly brush your teeth. The vibration and rotation of the bristles can also be helpful for people with mobility issues and children with reduced dexterity. 

It helps them brush hard-to-reach spaces and crevices in the back of the mouth. A lot of electric toothbrushes come equipped with built-in timers that beep when you’ve brushed for 2 minutes. This holds you accountable to consistently brush long enough.

Speaking of effective plaque removal and hard-to-reach spaces, electric toothbrushes are ideal for cleaning teeth fixed with orthodontics. The brackets and wires from metal braces are notoriously difficult to maneuver around, which increases your risk of tooth decay and tooth discoloration. The vibration of electric toothbrushes cleans around these orthodontics more effectively and conveniently.

Pros and Cons of Manual Toothbrushes

A manual toothbrush can be just as effective at cleaning the teeth as an electric toothbrush, as long as you brush for at least two minutes and hold your toothbrush at the right angle, brushing in circular motions around the teeth and gum line. 

While electric toothbrushes can take some of the work out of brushing, that doesn’t mean manual toothbrushes are any worse. You actually have more control over how you brush your teeth with a manual toothbrush, as you can control the speed and pressure that you apply to your teeth. 

Be careful that you don’t press too hard, however, because people who brush with manual toothbrushes are more likely to brush too hard. The biggest advantages of manual toothbrushes are affordability and accessibility. 

Manual toothbrushes are much cheaper than electric ones and they can be found everywhere. A manual toothbrush is also much more travel-friendly and less of a hassle. You don’t have to worry about charging, filling batteries, replacing toothbrush heads, or spending time searching for compatible components for the specific electric toothbrush you have.

Which One Is Right for Me?

The right toothbrush for you is the one you’ll use. Try out both and see which one is easier to use or makes brushing your teeth less of a chore. The most important aspect of a toothbrush is for it to have soft bristles. 

A smaller head is also preferable because it can work into the hard-to-reach crevices of the back of the mouth. However, brushing your teeth isn’t the end-all-be-all of good oral hygiene. It’s also important to floss every day and attend regular dental cleanings every 6 months. Contact us at Corona Smile Shoppe today to schedule a dental cleaning with Dr. Juan Martinez.

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